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Writer's pictureBlackfox-RZ

sexual liberation and sexual freedom


When it comes to sexual liberation, one cannot fail to mention the United States. In the 1960s, "sexual liberation" and "sexual freedom" and became accepted moral values in the United States. Males and females as young as fifteen or sixteen, were finding themselves being ridiculed if they were still virgins, and for many teenagers, of both sexes, this found expression through unbounded sexual indulgence. It was in the 1960s that the US Food and Drug Administration officially listed oral contraceptives for women, and sexual appetites and mores changed virtually overnight. Indirectly, this led to a detachment of sex from reproduction and family. A love of sex, replaced traditional expressions of love between a husband and wife; sex within or outside marriage no longer meant pregnancy and children, and this in turn helped fuel a breakdown in traditional of family structures, and an unprecedented rise in the rate of divorces.

So were "sexual liberation and sexual freedom" good things or bad? Were they, in the old language of marriage vows, “for better or for worse”?

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